Recover Faster: Ariella’s Ultimate Stretching Routine for Relief Following Workout

For Ariella, maintaining muscles happy and recuperating faster depend on appropriate stretching. Her regimen is all about letting stress go and increasing flexibility following a demanding exercise.”Stretching helps me reset and feel energised,” says fitness fan and flexibility teacher Ariella. She shows her go-to stretches for complete body release below.

1. Stretch for Cow Cats

Start on all fours and work between Cat and Cow postures. Arch your back like a cat then lower your tummy low and raise your head. “This flow warms up the spine and releases back tension,” Ariella says. Move with great depth and inhale.

2. Forward fold

From your hips, stand with feet together and hunch forward to reach for your toes. Let your head and neck relax; feel the stretch over your hamstrings and calves. Ariella cautions them not to force it. Just let gravity do its wonders.

3. Butterfly Stretch from Seated Position

Sitting with your feet soles together, softly press your knees towards the floor. This stretch expands the inner thighs and hips. Ariella says, “It’s perfect for unwinding and cool-down.”

4. Sliding Twist

Lying on your back, hug your knees into your chest and gradually twist them to one side to maintain your shoulders anchored. Hold then move to the other side. With a grin, Ariella continues, “This stretch feels fantastic for the lower back.”

Including these stretches in your post-exercise regimen will help to increase flexibility and aid to avoid discomfort. Ariella emphasises, “Recovery is just as crucial as the workout itself.” Treat your body gently; it will appreciate you.


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