When Should I Replace My Electric Unicycle Tire? 3 Signs Of Tires Replacement

We all know that tires need replacement regularly to ensure they can perform at their best and keep you safe. So you may wonder: When should I replace my electric unicycle tire?

Maintenance is essential for every vehicle. Let us share some tips so you can determine the right time to replace the tire in your electric unicycle.


When Should I Replace My Electric Unicycle Tire?

If your electric unicycle (EUC) needs a new tire, it will show some signs in the old tire, such as worn-out rubber, loss of tread, and constant flats.

Tires of your EUC last quite a long, but it doesn’t mean forever. So keep checking these symptoms to avoid mishaps when riding a bad tire.

Worn-out tire

When you have ridden your EUC for a while, one or maybe two sections of the tire will show much more wear than the remainder.

Please remove all of the air from the tire before turning it 90 degrees. If there are canvases on the tire but not the rubber, it’s time to change it.

Loss of tread

The tire tread refers to the rubber around a tire’s perimeter that contacts the ground. The more you ride your EUC, the faster the tread becomes worn out.

Once the rubber patterns on the tire disappear, the tire will lose its traction. If you don’t replace it soon, there will be risks of slippage on the ground.

Constant flats

It’s annoying to stop your ride because of the flats. If they happen often, there must be some problems with the tire. You may need to replace it to avoid the flats.

Check for signs of wear and tear before you ride
Check for signs of wear and tear before you ride

How Should I Fix My Electric Unicycle Tire If It Keeps Deflating?

The most common cause of a deflated tire is a puncture. You can fix it easily with these steps:

  • Unscrew and remove the cover over the tire.
  • Remove the tire from the wheel.
  • Detach the inner air tube and the tire.
  • Hold the vacuum hose and clean the interior of the tire and wheel.
  • Submerge the tire in water to find the leak.
  • Apply glue to form a seal over the tear.
  • Reassemble the wheel.

If your tire keeps deflating, there must be more than one puncture. So submerge the tire and observe carefully to point out all the tears. If the problem remains, look for other causes or take your bike to the repair shop.

Can I Bike With Deflated Tires? Does Electric Unicycle Work?

Yes, you can. But only do it if the tear is minor and you have no other choice. We don’t advise riding a bike with deflated tires for a long distance.

The flat tires make your trip uncomfortable and dangerous. There are two huge risks you may face.

Bike damage

Flat tires will leave the wheels and rims unprotected and vulnerable to external damage. Moreover, riding on the bike will cause more pressure, bending some parts of the bike.


The flat tires worsen when you ride. Hence, the bike will be unstable. When it doesn’t ride smoothly on the road, you fail to react to obstacles immediately. As a result, the worst case may happen.

Avoid biking with deflated tires
Avoid biking with deflated tires

What Causes Electric Unicycle Tire To Deflate?

There are many reasons for EUC or unicycle tires to deflate. Only when you detect the exact cause can you fix it correctly.


Your EUC tire will wear down over time. Once the wear and tear gets to a certain stage, the tire may rip, leading to deflation.


Delamination occurs when the tire splits into various parts because of heat, wear, or incorrect inflation. Finally, the air will escape from the tire, causing blowouts.


You may have overinflated the tire. The overpressure within it may reach a dangerous level and will result in a blowout.

Under deflation

If you don’t inflate the tire properly, it will get unseated from the wheel’s rim and then leak air. This problem also makes it difficult to steer because the tire has too much contact with the ground.


This issue is common when riding on the road. The punctures can be a nail or broken glass. But they are easy to detect and fix.

Leaking valve

The electric unicycle has a tiny valve stem. But when it gets damaged, the air within the tire will leak out gradually, causing deflation.

There are various causes for tire deflation
There are various causes for tire deflation

Why Is My Tire Deflating With No Hole?

Punctures are not the only cause of deflation. So if you check the tire carefully and find no hole, try to examine other parts.

Deflation is a common problem caused by multiple reasons. For example, if you inflate the tire too much or too little, it will get deflated soon.

Another possible cause is that the tire has worn out. No matter how many times you inflate it, it will release the air inside in some ways.

We advise having your tire fixed by professionals. They will perform the necessary steps to identify the exact cause of deflation in the tire.

How Do You Add Air To Tires?

The process is rather straightforward, even if you have never tried it before. The instructions are as follows:

  • Remove the valve cap from the tire’s valve.
  • When you hear the tire getting inflated, press down on the valve while attaching the hose from the air dispenser to it.
  • Add air to the tire for about ten minutes.
  • Use a tire pressure to examine the air pressure in your tire. If it’s still low, repeat the steps above.

Please check this video to learn some extra tips:

Conclusion Of Tires Replacement

The existing tire will show signs of whether your EUC needs a new one. So carefully check if it has worn down and lost its tread patterns. Constant deflation is also a symptom of a poor tire.

Your EUC will last for years if you maintain it properly. For any further information, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always ready to assist you.

Thank you for reading!