Why Is Riding A Unicycle Hard? How Difficult Is It To Ride A Unicycle?

Imagine riding a unicycle and performing impressive skills on the street. It’s one of the coolest experiences to impress your friends and seek more fun.

Yet, unicycling is not as simple as many people think. It combines complex skills and an excellent capacity to keep balance and control the vehicle’s velocity.

So, why is riding a unicycle hard? What mistakes to avoid when learning to ride a unicycle? In this post, I will instruct you on mastering this vehicle and provide additional helpful tips to increase your safety on the road.

Is Learning To Ride A Unicycle Difficult?

Riding a unicycle is hard because it requires advanced skills and techniques like keeping balance and controlling the body’s posture.


Unlike bicycles, unicycles feature an unnatural and challenging riding posture.

The difficulty of riding a unicycle is inherent in the vehicle’s design. With only one wheel, users have to practice and keep themselves balanced without leaning too much in one direction, or they’ll quickly lose control of the vehicle.

It gets much more challenging when you actually ride the vehicle. Keeping balance while maintaining a proper speed and avoiding small obstacles or pedestrians on the road is an absolute nightmare for any beginner.

However, learning to ride a unicycle is easier than studying a foreign language or learning a musical instrument. It doesn’t take years of practice, and you don’t need to spend many hours accumulating the knowledge, either.

Controlling a unicycle is all about skills and muscle memory. You need to practice for one or two hours per day for two weeks to ride a unicycle decently.

However, mastering the proper techniques is critical to use a unicycle safely. There are also numerous safety precautions that you need to know before using this vehicle. Follow the sections below, and I will show you.

How Many People Around The World And In The USA Can Ride A Unicycle?

There hasn’t been any well-conducted survey or research relating to the total number of unicyclists in the USA and worldwide. However, the percentage won’t be high due to many reasons.

It depends on the region and the popularity of unicycles in that particular region. In countries and cities where the unicycle market has expanded rapidly, you can easily encounter many unicyclists riding on the street daily.

Meanwhile, there are areas where the citizens have never used or seen a unicycle in their life. It’s understandable since the unicycle is much less prevalent than other vehicles like motorbikes, cars, or bicycles.

Balance Is The Key

Balance Is The Key

Skills Needed To Learn To Ride A Unicycle – One Wheel Bike

Similar to riding a bicycle, balance is the key to controlling a unicycle. Since it features only one wheel, just a slight lean or a wrong move can make you lose control of the vehicle and riding trajectory.

Instead of falling to the right and left, a unicyclist can easily fall backward or forward when losing control of the vehicle. This aspect makes riding a unicycle much more challenging and dangerous.

Therefore, an excellent capacity to keep balance through speed as well as body moisture is indispensable for any unicyclist. You should master this skill through practice before taking your unicycle to the street.

Riding A Unicycle Vs. Riding An Electric Unicycle: Which Is More Difficult?

Riding a unicycle is more challenging and complex than using an electric unicycle. The electric devices help you eliminate the cycling motion since they can operate with electric motors.

You have to cycle constantly to control and keep balance on a traditional unicycle. This relentless motion makes it harder to concentrate on the road and avoid incoming obstacles.

When moving your feet, it will affect the vehicle’s trajectory and movement, thus making it harder to keep balance and control your body posture. Adjusting the speed to suit different circumstances is also challenging for the unicyclists.

A traditional unicycle will consume more stamina and make you fatigued when riding for a long distance. Therefore, an electric unicycle is much more comfortable and relaxing to control.

Riding An Electric Unicycle Is Less Challenging

Riding An Electric Unicycle Is Less Challenging

Share Tips: Steps For Learning To Ride A Unicycle

Before dwelling on the in-depth skills of a unicyclist, you first need to understand the basics and operation of a unicycle. This practice helps you adjust and assemble the vehicle properly before each ride.

Unicycles come in numerous designs, heights, and wheel dimensions. Choosing the suitable unicycle’s size for your body conditions will make it much easier to use and reduce the risk of accidents.

For example, children below the age of six should use unicycles less than 12 inches in height. 12 to 16 inches are ideal for kids between 6 and 10 years old.

You can consider the riders’ height and body size to adjust the unicycle accordingly since some modern vehicles feature adjustable dimensions. For mature people taller than 6 feet, I recommend using a 24-inch unicycle.

After choosing a suitable vehicle, I recommend you practice with the unicycle at home until you master all the techniques. It allows you to ride the vehicle smoothly and concentrate more on the road.

Beginners should avoid riding on busy roads since the obstacles would make it much more challenging to focus and control your vehicle. As a result, the risk of accidents or hurting other people is very high.

Be Patient And Practice!

Be Patient And Practice!

Final Thoughts: Why is Riding a Unicycle Hard?

In summary, the one-wheel design and unnatural body posture of a unicycle make it very challenging to control and master.

It requires a bit of innate talent and tremendous practice to operate this vehicle safely. So, don’t rush to the road if you cannot control a unicycle properly yet.

Thank you for your interest in the article!

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