What Do You Check The E-bike After a Long Stop?

With the beautiful spring days, the temperatures rising and the hours of light increasing, the desire to take out your e-bike and start pedaling again returns. However, despite the sense of freedom, an e-bike must be treated with care, and for those who are now taking it out of winter hibernation after a few months in the garage, it is good to plan a check-up before use. Starting with these 6 checks before resuming the e-bike after a long stop.

Get back on your city bike, perhaps with pedal assistance, for home-work trips, to take the children to school and even go do a small daily shopping, thus forgetting the car in the garage, thinking about the environment and, why not, also to physical fitness in view of the summer.

However, it is good practice to take your bike back for a brief check-up before use, especially if it has been parked during the winter. Here, then, is our advice on the 6 checks before resuming the e-bike after a long standstill for simple maintenance of your most faithful bike.


1. The tires

One of the primary tasks during maintenance involves inspecting the wheels of your vehicle. An essential aspect of this process is assessing tire pressure. It’s imperative to ensure that the tires are inflated to the correct pressure level, a value conveniently provided on the tire’s sidewall, often accompanied by the PSI and/or BAR abbreviations. This pressure specification is vital for optimal vehicle performance and safety.

Furthermore, a thorough visual examination of the tire’s condition proves to be equally valuable. This entails checking the tread pattern or knobs on the tire’s surface. If these knobs appear worn down, it’s a clear indication of tire deterioration.

Worn-out tires can significantly compromise traction, particularly on slippery surfaces, and they become more susceptible to punctures, presenting a potential safety hazard. Therefore, keeping a keen eye on the tire’s physical state is integral to ensuring your vehicle’s overall functionality and roadworthiness.

In essence, conducting routine checks on your wheels, including pressure evaluation and visual inspections, not only enhances driving performance but also contributes to a safer driving experience by mitigating risks associated with decreased traction and tire punctures.

2. The brakes

While power is undoubtedly significant, control holds equal importance. When navigating through urban traffic, brakes become the pivotal means to avert potentially hazardous incidents. Evaluating the brakes’ condition is paramount.

An uncomplicated test involves raising the bike with one hand while gently turning the wheel with the other. Attentive listening becomes essential – any unusual scraping or rubbing sounds warrant immediate attention, potentially necessitating a workshop visit for inspection.

In a more straightforward assessment, the wheel should come to a gradual and autonomous halt. This signifies proper brake functionality. Remember, the efficacy of brakes significantly contributes to road safety, especially within bustling city environments.

3. The cables

In the case of bikes where cables are not internally routed but rather visible, it’s prudent to regularly inspect their condition. This proactive approach allows for timely and appropriate intervention. Specifically, focus on the steering joint region, which often serves as a focal point for cable sheath wear.

By conscientiously assessing the wear and tear in this area, you can address any issues promptly and effectively, ensuring the optimal functioning of your bike’s components. This preventive measure can contribute to a smoother and safer riding experience, mitigating potential problems that might arise from neglected cable wear.

4. The change

Maintaining a clean and well-lubricated chain on your e-bike is essential. A well-maintained chain experiences reduced friction, resulting in effortless pedaling and extended time between visits to the mechanic. Practically, treating your e-bike’s chain isn’t much different from caring for a traditional pedal-powered bike’s transmission. For effective cleaning, utilizing a cloth alongside specialized detergents proves optimal.

By ensuring the chain remains free from dirt and grime, you contribute to its smooth operation and overall longevity. The reduced friction enhances your riding experience, making pedaling less strenuous and more enjoyable.

Furthermore, a well-preserved chain lessens the strain on other bike components, potentially extending the intervals between maintenance sessions. This proactive approach not only saves you effort during rides but also keeps your e-bike functioning optimally over an extended period.

5. The engine

Exercising caution around the motor of your e-bike is advisable, as it constitutes a highly delicate component. Should uncertainty arise regarding its proper operation, it’s best to reach out to your dependable mechanic for guidance.

The motor, being a critical element, demands specialized attention and expertise to maintain its optimal performance. Attempting to troubleshoot or repair it without proper knowledge can potentially lead to more issues or costly damage.

Your trusted mechanic possesses the necessary understanding and experience to diagnose and rectify any motor-related concerns effectively. By entrusting such matters to a professional, you ensure the continued functionality and longevity of your e-bike’s motor, promoting safe and enjoyable rides without unnecessary risks.

6. The battery

Before embarking on your journey with a pedal-assisted bike, a recommended practice is to fully deplete the battery’s charge during use and subsequently perform a complete recharge. This procedure serves to enhance the battery’s longevity and overall performance. By cycling through a full discharge and recharge cycle, you effectively calibrate the battery’s management system, promoting more accurate energy readings and optimizing its capacity.

Regularly following this procedure can assist in avoiding issues such as reduced battery life or inaccurate charge level indications. It’s important to note that modern battery technologies, such as lithium-ion, benefit from occasional full discharge cycles to prevent capacity “memory” and maintain their efficiency over time.


In conclusion, as spring invites us to rediscover the joy of riding our e-bikes, a few essential checks stand between us and a safe, enjoyable journey. These six checks encapsulate the diligence and responsibility needed to ensure our e-bikes are in optimal condition after a prolonged hiatus.

From tire pressure and brake functionality to cable conditions and chain maintenance, each check contributes to the overall safety and performance of our e-bikes. The motor’s delicacy underscores the importance of professional care, while the battery’s well-being can be preserved through calibrated charging cycles.

By adhering to these checks, we not only prioritize our safety but also extend the life of our e-bikes. As we pedal away, these precautions grant us the freedom to embrace the open road with confidence, knowing that we’ve taken the necessary steps to ride securely once again.