7 Tips For a Better Electric Bike Riding Experience

7 Tips For a Better Electric Bike Riding Experience

It doesn’t matter whether you call it an e-bike or an electric bike, what really matters is the pleasant sensation you get when pedaling freely on the street with your hair blowing in the wind, aware of the fact that thanks to your choice you are also reducing polluting emissions. In fact, the e-bike does not … Read more

What Do You Check The E-bike After a Long Stop?

What Do You Check The E-bike After a Long Stop

With the beautiful spring days, the temperatures rising and the hours of light increasing, the desire to take out your e-bike and start pedaling again returns. However, despite the sense of freedom, an e-bike must be treated with care, and for those who are now taking it out of winter hibernation after a few months in the garage, it … Read more

How To Choose The Perfect Electric Bicycle Tires/Wheels For You

How To Choose The Perfect Electric Bicycle TiresWheels For You

If the time has come to replace the wheels of your e-bike because they are worn and damaged, you are probably wondering if there is a criterion to follow in order to choose the most suitable ones. Should we focus on specific materials? Are some details more important than others? Here we want to delve into the topic of electric wheels … Read more

How Far Can an Electric Bike Go?

How Far Can an Electric Bike Go

One of the biggest benefits of electric bicycles is that they can help riders go farther with the same amount of leg strength. But with manufacturers quoting vastly different ranges and maximum distance ratings for seemingly similar e-bikes, how do you know what the true distance an e-bike can reach is? It’s actually easier than … Read more

How Do I Choose My First Electric Bike? 8 Rules to Follow

How Do I Choose My First Electric Bike

Choosing your first electric bike is a life-changing decision, but navigating through models and prices can be a real jungle. However, with our guide to informed purchasing on models, features, weight, and price, you can navigate through it. Acquiring your first e-bike is a life-changing decision that can benefit your health and well-being, reduce pollution, … Read more

10 Tips to Make Your E-Bike Battery Last Longer

10 Tips to Make Your E-Bike Battery Last Longer

The battery of your electric bike is essentially the same as the one on your mobile phone. And just like with your smartphone, the biggest concern is that it might suddenly run out of charge, leaving you stranded on foot. Quite literally, when it comes to e-bikes. One thing is certain: the range stated by … Read more

Can Electric Bikes Recharge Themselves?

Can Electric Bikes Recharge Themselves

Do you want your pedaling efforts to go in vain when riding an electric bike? So, can you charge your electric bike while pedaling? The answer is more complex than a simple yes or no, but let’s start here: yes, electric bikes can charge while you pedal, depending on your electric system and the type … Read more

How Do I Get More Range On My Ebike? Effective Tips

How Do I Get More Range On My Ebike

To extend your e-bike’s range, follow these tips: optimize battery usage (20-80% charge), use assist modes wisely, pedal efficiently, maintain your body’s energy levels, and consider external factors like terrain and weather conditions. On an e-bike or electric bicycle, battery life is a crucial aspect that defines the limits of the bike and the types … Read more