Using Walking to Reduce Body Fat

Do you want to lose weight and find an exercise that is both easy and effective? Seriously, go for a stroll. Walking is an underappreciated weight reduction tool since it’s low-impact, long-term, fun, and inexpensive (though I’m giving you permission to buy those adorable walking shoes and that under-desk treadmill you’ve had your eye on).

How much should I walk to lose weight?

The “gold standard” for walking is 10,000 steps per day, but that amount is subjective and might not work for everyone, according to Alissa Palladino, RDN, CPT, a certified personal trainer and nutritionist located in Atlanta. She advises that people should adjust their walking objectives based on their present health, fitness, and way of life. “Depending on a variety of factors, you might want to set a lower or a higher goal for yourself.”

Walking for 30 minutes a day should burn about 100 to 200 calories, according to Susane Pata, CPT, a certified group fitness instructor and content strategist for the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). However, it’s difficult to determine an exact amount of steps needed to lose weight. A calorie expenditure of 700 to 1,400 per week may be achieved with just 30 minutes of walking every day for seven days.

Warm up and stretch beforehand

“Stretching and activating specific muscles before your walk will help you decrease your chance of pain and injury during and after your walk,” Wickham points out. When you feel discomfort when walking, it’s a sign that you should start exercising your joints more often. A fundamental human right is the freedom from physical discomfort that allows one to walk.

Alternate between walking and jogging

Running isn’t required for weight loss, but if you want to get the most out of your walking routines, consider jogging or running moderately for 10 seconds, followed by two minutes of walking (and repeat). “Adding in short jogs or runs during your walk will help you increase the intensity of your workout, which can help you accelerate your weight loss,” according to Wickham.

Stay consistent

Walking regularly, even if it’s just once a day or once a week, can help you lose weight more effectively. “Health is a lifestyle, not a quick fix,” cautions Wickham. Find things to incorporate into your walks that will help you maintain a regular schedule. You will lose more weight if you walk more often. Invest in a treadmill for your house to increase your step count, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or get off the bus or train a few stations early to walk home.