Achieve Defined Abs with This Side Plank Routine

Achieving a strong core and defined abs is a common fitness goal, and side planks are one of the most effective exercises to help you reach it. Ava, a fitness enthusiast and personal trainer, shares her insights on how to perfect this exercise and integrate it into your workout routine for maximum results.

Side planks are excellent for targeting the obliques, improving core stability, and enhancing overall body strength. Unlike traditional planks, side planks focus more on the sides of your body, giving you a balanced workout.

How to Perform Side Planks

To perform a side plank, follow these steps:

Start Position: Lie on your side with your legs extended and stacked on top of each other. Place your elbow directly under your shoulder.

Lift: Engage your core and lift your hips off the ground, creating a straight line from your head to your feet.

Hold: Keep your body in a straight line and hold the position for as long as you can. Aim for 30 seconds to a minute on each side.

Switch: Lower your hips and switch to the other side.

Ava recommends, “For beginners, start by holding the plank for 15-20 seconds on each side and gradually increase the time as you get stronger. Consistency is key!”

Incorporating Side Planks into Your Routine

Ava integrates side planks into her clients’ routines by combining them with other core exercises. “Side planks are versatile and can be added to any workout routine. Pair them with traditional planks, crunches, and leg raises for a comprehensive core workout,” she advises.

“Remember,” Ava concludes, “fitness is a journey, not a destination. Stay committed, and you’ll see the results you desire.”

Embrace the challenge and start adding side planks to your workouts today for a stronger core and beautifully defined abs!